NRPG Chapter Three

Chapter Three the Labyrinth

Dawn is breaking and the two have been running through the night. In the distance Haga can see that the Elf is leading them to some sort of wall. “Perhaps a barricade erected in ages past to keep out the Orcish hordes?” he wonders.

“We can lose them through here.” she proclaims, following an old weathered path.

Coming across an opening which reveals an intricate network of hallways and rooms that appear to have been abandoned for decades. Finding a moment to rest, the elvish woman drops a satchel on the floor.

“Before the Great War, this was the border of my people’s homeland.” she admits. “Most of the Magi relics still here may help us or just as well, kill us.”

The fall of the Order of the Magi was long before Haga was born. Haga’s curiosity turns his gaze to the contents of the bag. A few old maps, some jewelry, and tools one would expect from a thief he thought.

“This is pretty much all I have left. Dig through it and see what you can use.” she says while stealthily searching the surroundings. Noises in the distance are the snarls of the chasing party.

“Further in the catacombs we go then.” proclaims your companion. “There are a few routes I know. But, be prepared for a fight.”

“Its not stealing if it once belonged to us, right? Orcs just like to hold a grudge!” she finally acknowledges as they both trek deeper into the maze.

Clutching his staff, Haga follows her lead. Trying not to disturb the cobwebs and dust, they come to a fork in the path. Deciding to go above ground and deal with what stalks on top of the walls. Haga’s companion begins to slowly climb the jagged stone.

“I prefer not being trapped in a cage.” she explains as both start ascending. “Just don’t make any loud noises.”

The top of the ramparts is covered in overgrown vines. Even though day is breaking, the canopy above blocks out most of the light. Cautiously making their way through the overgrowth, Haga can’t shake the feeling that something is watching.

“Not much farther and we will find my village.” she whispers. Suddenly a twig snaps and the caws of birds flying off in the distance fill the air. The elf woman completely halts, and Haga realizes that he should be getting prepared. They scurry into the shadows of the overgrowth for protection.

A massive thud shakes the walls with every step the creature makes. It sounds huge, but very slow. The ground begins to rumble and the leaves above thrash about. Whatever is out there is on alert and searching for something.

Peeking above the stone Haga finally sees what appears to be a large moving tree.

“One of the fabled Treants of the forest!” Haga gasps. The elf’s eyes meet his for a moment and they nod in agreement. Readying her bow, she is waiting for Haga’s call. Instinctively, the two of them sync their focus and a magical flaming arrow is released. The projectile silently strikes the target in the upper branches, and the creature looks visibly confused as the leaves begin to catch fire.

“I think that’s just going to piss it off.” she says as they both look for another solution. The floor beneath them begins to crumble suddenly. A low-pitched roar emanates from the Treant and roots from below breach the wall from its foundation. Haga doesn’t have time to think as he feels the sensation of falling.

The elements start ripping at Haga from all directions. His mind drifts off into a serene light as his body is engulfed in a massive, magical fire.

The Elf rogue however, lands gently on the forest floor as if to be gently placed by a benevolent force. She has to shield her eyes from the heat of Haga’s form. The mage’s body is now consumed in stone and flames. She watches in horror as he mercilessly incinerates the ancient Treant. Calling to her ancestors for spiritual guidance, the elf releases a magical arrow towards the rampaging Atronach.

In a burst of thunder and wind, the arrow strikes the target who then gets thrusted to the floor. Nearly instantaneously the energy is released. A huge burst of mana ripples through the air.

Only the sounds of the canopy burning can be heard as Haga’s eyes begin to focus. The swirling storm clouds above are dissipating and the area is calm once again. Turning to the direction of his ally, he notices his body now lying on the forest floor. Then a high-pitched call from a horn deeper in the forest rings through his ears.

Chapter Four Catching a Break

Before the age of war, the elements were not at odds with our people. These Humes brought this devastation upon themselves. Enclave of the Shattered Moon Laline simply knows her sisters won’t stand for this mage. Especially one with such reckless judgement. However, she senses that this being will have some value in her future….
Read More Chapter Four Catching a Break
NRPG Chapter Two

Chapter Two an Orcish Encounter

Nearly a week passes as Haga recovers from his trip to the Hallows. After a few days of studying its pages, the elders return the book. Much of it is written in some language he was unable to read. However, the bits he did understand helped his powers grow tremendously. The group has been slowly…
Read More Chapter Two an Orcish Encounter

Gladiator Games (Alpha)

Game Title screen for A Dragon's Requiem

A Dragon’s Requiem