Chapter Five Something Approaches

After spending the next few days within the Order, Laline and Haga begin to grow impatient. Haga did manage to find some solace with Ianralei’s massive library. None of the text brought him any closer to understanding Cindersurge though. Most barely brought up the era unfortunately and rarely mentioned Hume history.

Laline spent much of her time pacing around the quarters. Slightly irritated, she often argued with the passing elves about when they would be able to meet the Seer. The Order didn’t appear to be very keen on speaking or releasing information. Laline decided that she had waited enough.

“Come with me to storm the gate and demand an audience with the Seer.” Laline finally tells the mage. “If not, I’m just going to go by myself.”, she continued. Haga could not tell if she was being serious or simply just irritated. Instinctively, they both prepared to sneak past the wondering acolytes. The hallways were quiet, and it looked like their chance to move.

“They kept making a big deal about some Seer, but nobody seems to know more. I think I found where we can find him.” Laline whispers as Haga follows behind her. She is leading them to a more secluded area of the building. Eventually, they come to a large door with a light blue glow emanating behind.

“I’ve only seen the Acolytes bring in fresh food and leave with empty plates. The Seer must be in there.” she says after laying down her pack. “Maybe you can send a boulder through and smash the door open or something. I can try to pick the lock with my tools as well.” Laline suggests.

For the first time, Haga felt like the rational one and simply said, “How about I just knock?” and without giving Laline a chance to react, he knocks on the large door.

Read more: Chapter Five Something Approaches

The Order has been nothing but good to us, I don’t know why you’re so nervous.” he whispers. Laline quickly scurries behind the walls. Everything is silent as Haga turns back to see Laline hiding.

You see, nothing to be…” he begins before a sudden loud metallic sound is heard. Someone was unlocking the door. The mage rushes to Laline’s side, both of their heads cautiously peeking around the corner.

There is a long screeching noise from the old worn fittings as the door slowly opens. Standing just on the other side of the door is a very small and unfamiliar creature. Laline looks at Haga confused. Instinctively, he shrugs his shoulders as if to acknowledge he is clueless as well. Though not intimidating in stature, they can sense immense magical energy within.

“Masterrr will tessst you now.” the creature manages to hiss.

Haga and Laline step out from the corridor. The look of surprise is evident on both of their faces. “Could this creature be bound to the Seer somehow?” Haga asks under his breath. It didn’t appear to be anything he had ever seen or heard of in his travels. Laline didn’t seem to know what to make of it either.

Like a thick mist in the air, Archane energies begin to swirl around Haga’s hands. The Elder’s taught him that elemental magic draws from the Archana trapped within all things. At first, it was difficult to even form the smallest flame, but now it felt like the very world was at his command. Smirking at him intently, the imp simply stands there as he readies the spell. Something about it seemed planned. It wasn’t until receiving the clarity of all this mana did Haga consider it could be a trap.

Laline had already drawn her daggers in anticipation. Focusing his Mana on Laline, a spell was unleashed, and her daggers begin to flow with elemental magic.

“Out of my way!” she shouts as she lunges towards the creature. Without any hesitation, the imp simply raises it’s hand. As if to have control of her, Laline is suspended in the air by magic. With a flick of it’s wrist, she is hurled within the room.

A powerful thud is heard as she lands, and the door suddenly closes behind the imp. This creature must have used the mana against her in some fashion. An emotionless expression on the imp now turns to a smile and a gust of wind starts to kick up. Unable to contend with the force, a blast sends Haga back to the wall.

Clutching his staff and reaching forth, Haga begins manipulating the Archana into a deluge of energy towards the creature. Like a tidal wave of heat, the very air around the imp glows with Archana. However, it’s stare and demeanor are unchanged. He didn’t understand, the energies in this place alone seemed unstable enough to explode. That is when the mage notices the Archana is simply being absorbed by the creature.

The room is now silent and nearly all the magic in the air is gone. For a moment, the imp and Haga simply gaze at each other. Then his whole-body slams to the floor as a literal flood of water pours down directly above him.

“That is enough!” a stern voice shouts from beyond the door. The imp stands down immediately and steps to the side. Haga gasps for air as the water slowly turns to a trickle.

“It would seem our friend here has a lot of work ahead of him.” says a middle-aged man standing in the doorway. Haga was able to make out Laline just behind him.

“I am told your name is Haga. Well, I suppose you should come on in, I bet you have a lot of questions.” the man says while offering a hand. Already soaked in water and confused, Haga takes it. Then the man jokes, “Don’t mind Akni, he is always like that.”

Chapter Six The Pilgrimage

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Potions and mixtures litter the counter space of the inner chamber. Much of the room appears to be nothing more than an apothecary. “So did you assume the Order would be okay with you blowing up this entire wing?” the Seer chuckled. “Or were you just so terrified of little Akni?” Even Laline couldn’t hold…

Chapter Four Catching a Break

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Before the age of war, the elements were not at odds with our people. These Humes brought this devastation upon themselves. Enclave of the Shattered Moon Laline simply knows her sisters won’t stand for this mage. Especially one with such reckless judgement. However, she senses that this being will have some value in her future….

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